
Date Revision Description Author
1/22/2003 0.9 Initial Draft Kenneth Lewelling
4/4/2003 0.91 Converted document to xml for use with Maven. Kenneth Lewelling

Characteristic Information

Goal in Context: The actor to change permissions for Struts resources inside the OpenCms explorer.
Preconditions: The actor has the file locked.
Successful End Condition: The resources permissions has been changed.
Failed End Condition: The resources permissions remain unchanged.
Primary Actor: Web Developer
Trigger: The actor left clicks resource in the VFS to reveal its context menu.

Success Scenario

  1. The actor selects "change permissions" from the context menu.
  2. The actor selects the required permissions for that Struts resource based on what level of access (read, write, or view) the owner, group, and others should have.
  3. The actor saves the changes.


1a The actor selects "chage owner" from the context menu.
1aa. The actor selects a different owner for the resource
1ab. The actor saves the changes.
1aba. The actor cancels the change.
1b. The actor select "change group" from the context menu.
1ba. The actor selects a different group for the resource.
1bb. The actor saves the changes.
1bba. The actor cancels the change.
3a. The actor cancels the change(s).


There are no sub-variations.

Related Information

Super Ordinate Use Case:

Subordinate Use Case:

Open Issues
